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[posila][0.15.23] Pump suddenly not pumping from fluid wagon

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:51 pm
by gexxo
In the attached map (see also the screenshot), my pump for some reason will not pump from this fluid wagon. The game runs for more than 3 days, this station has unloaded thousands of trains and there is nothing special, but for some reason it will not unload this wagon. The tanks are empty and the wagon is full, the train drove to the station on schedule, I didn't move it manually. The only thing I did: I deconstructed some train tracks in another part of the map. Maybe this is some weird interaction with the train pathfinding system and I deconstructed these rails exactly at the wrong time.

I also attached all mods that I used for the map. Of course, it could also be a mod, but I don't think so. Just load the map and then you might see what is wrong there.

There is also another train with the same bug standing 1-2 screens above me. So for some reason, the bug hit multiple trains simulatenously.\
PumpNotPumping.jpg (1.56 MiB) Viewed 3163 times

Re: [0.15.23] Pump suddenly not pumping from fluid wagon

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:15 pm
by gexxo
I tried to reproduce the bug by loading the previous autosafe and seeing if it happens again (I could not exactly repro the things I did in the last two minutes, of course). This time, the bug hit again but only partly: Of the four pumps, only 3 attached to the train! One didn't attach.

I have attached the map that triggers this bug. The good thing is that this time I have saved before the train enters the station (might help with debugging). Just wait around 20 seconds, then the train will arrive and show the buggy behavior.

The bug seems to happen when I deconstruct larger parts of the rail network: I deconstructed around 6 crossroads because I wanted to replace them by a better design. This is when the bug stroke me multiple times now.
PumpNotPumping2.jpg (489.56 KiB) Viewed 3157 times

Re: [posila][0.15.23] Pump suddenly not pumping from fluid wagon

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:30 pm
by gexxo
Just reproed the bug again by replacing crossroads, this time another train at another station (no single pump attaching). It seems to trigger rather often when I do this.

I also tried removing and rebuilding the pumps. Did not work, still not attaching. Picking up the train and placing it at the station again kinda helped (train empty then of course :( ), but only kinda: This time again three of the four pumps attached, the last one again didn't.

Re: [posila][0.15.23] Pump suddenly not pumping from fluid wagon

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 10:14 pm
by gexxo
I must correct me: It does not seem to be the deconstruction. Rather it now happens a lot (every few minutes, even if I don't deconstruct anything). It never happened before. So either something about my base changed right today or it was the latest update. However, I also played a lot yesterday and it didn't happen there. I didn't update any mods or the game since then, I guess.

Re: [posila][0.15.23] Pump suddenly not pumping from fluid wagon

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:42 pm
by posila
Hi, thanks for the report.
I have fixed the issue on the second screenshot for 0.15.24.
We have made lot of changes in pump code for next update and I was not able to reproduce the issue with pumps not connecting at all, so please let us know if you experience the issue again when 0.15.24 is released (tomorrow)