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[0.15.16] transfer of save unsuccesfull [SOLVED]

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 8:50 pm
by barsonian
I play factorio on mulitple computers, and previously (including until 15.15), it always had the latest save in the loading menu.
unfortunately, this is no longer (always) the case. the last 2 times, I get old saves instead of the newest one.

I've tested it, this is independent of save files and i havent changed any settings for either steam or factorio.

hopefully this will help you, developers, to make an already amazing game even more amazing!
keep up the good work, despite these (pretty minor) issues

Re: [0.15.16] transfer of save unsuccesfull

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 6:40 am
by Harkonnen
Do you mean the save that is initially selected with cursor? If so - did you change local-time/time-zone recently?

Re: [0.15.16] transfer of save unsuccesfull

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 9:19 am
by ssambdar
Could this be a problem with the steam cloud? Depending on the bandwidth of the internet connection, it could take some time to upload the savegame to the cloud. If someone closes the steam app too early (eg. due to pc shutdown), there will be no new savegame. I had this problem in the past. Now I wait until steam tells me, that the cloud is up to date.

Re: [0.15.16] transfer of save unsuccesfull

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 10:51 am
by barsonian
this isnt a problem with the time zone, i didnt change that.
it could however be a problem with the steam could, but i dont see why this hadnt happened before.

to clarify my situation:
i am a student, who plays factorio during the week on my laptop and during the weekend on my pc at my parents. same time zone and everything
previously, either factorio or steam cloud always had the most recent played file automatically in the save files. Unfortunately this isnt the case anymore.

Re: [0.15.16] transfer of save unsuccesfull

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 11:36 am
by Harkonnen
What is size of that save?

Re: [0.15.16] transfer of save unsuccesfull

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 11:43 am
by posila
Factorio doesn't have embedded any kind of syncing of saves between computers. Steam Cloud is completely out of our control, after the game process ends Steam just looks into save folder and synchronizes files that had been added/changed since last sync.
If you waited to for Steam to finish the sync before shutting down your computer, or the sync didn't even start, check if Steam Cloud isn't disabled globally (for all games) or locally (just for Factorio). If it is, next time you notice sync didn't start after exiting Factorio, open Task Manager and check the Factorio process is not running on background. If it does, it might be related to: 46128

Re: [0.15.16] transfer of save unsuccesfull

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 1:43 pm
by barsonian
The size is 11 500 KB, but its probably closing too soon. I see now this is not a bug, but my own fault. Thanks for your help anyway!
edit: the setting were enabled for using steam cloud