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[0.15.13] Power wiring ignored in Blueprint

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:36 pm
by Bobanaut
The custom wiring of power poles is not included in Blueprints.

This makes it impossible to use power switches with power poles in blueprints.

1. place power switch and some power poles
2. remove wiring of poles (shift click pole)
3. use copper wire to connect poles to power switch
4. try to make a blueprint of that

5. Place power poles so that the blueprint will bridge power instead of using the power switch

Re: [0.15.13] Power wiring ignored in Blueprint

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:43 pm
by kovarex
We are aware of this problem. It is implication of how we treat copper connection in blueprints. We just connect the pole automatically when it is built. Trying to do it differently might solve this specific issue, but it would bring much more different issues.

Re: [0.15.13] Power wiring ignored in Blueprint

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 8:53 am
by Gnorok
Maybe you could implement a checkbox within the blueprint like Entities and Tiles for remembering copper wiring?

It would be great if this feature could be added. Sometimes it´s relevant for functionality (bridged power switch), sometimes just for optics (I don´t like a spiderweb of powerlines :) )