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[15.10] Saving blueprint in an existing book does not update

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 2:25 pm
by Xuniak
I found a bug with blueprint saving - it does not update new changes made in already existing blueprint book to other worlds, if that book was already accessed on other world previously.
It only happens with books, normal blueprints without book save normally.

How it went:
Let's say I have already made a book with some saved blueprints in it in let's call it game "A". Then I create another new game, let's call it game "B" - said book is there with all its contents available to use. Image

Then I return to "A" and change this existing book - by adding another blueprint inside and removing some others.

After this when returning to "B" when trying to access this changed book I encounter the previous version of it, without any changes made on "A". When checking again on "A" the book is changed as it should be, just not on "B".

When you delete the book completely and then save it again it is available in its updated state on "B" but not otherwise.
However - when I load some other existing saved world that have never seen any version of the book before - let's call it game "C" - it has the book in its up to date state there from "A" as it should.

So in summary it seems every time you update a book it is not updated elsewhere since it is not a new entity for the system, or something like that.
Happens every time so it should be easy to replicate.

Re: [15.10] Saving blueprint in an existing book does not update

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 3:25 am
by timbowit
I've seen the same behavior, checked in 0.15.11. Here is the simplest reproduction I could come up with:
1. (a) In game A, create a new blueprint book, and add two blueprints to it. Call them BP1 and BP2.
1. (b) Add the blueprint book to the blueprint library.
1. (c) Save the game.
2. (a) In game B,open the blueprint book that was just created in game A. (Right-click it in the blueprint library.)
2. (b) Add a new blueprint (BP3) to the existing book in the library. (Pick the new blueprint up from your inventory, press "B" to open the library, click in the open library book to add the blueprint.)
2. (c) Delete BP2 from the book in the library. (Right-click on the blueprint in the library, and click the trash icon.)
3. Reload game A. Note that in the blueprint library the blueprint book still contains BP1 and BP2, and does not contain BP3. Reloading game B will show the blueprint book still containing BP1 and BP3, with no BP2.

Note: Any of the following changes in these steps cause the inconsistency to not appear, i.e. step 3 will show the updated blueprint book in game A.
A. Skipping saving the game (step 1c).
B. Only creating a single blueprint in step 1a, and thus deleting that blueprint in step 2c.
C. Not deleting a blueprint (step 2c).
D. Saving blueprints in the top level of the blueprint library, instead of in a book.

One simplification that can still exhibit the inconsistency is to skip adding a new blueprint (step 2b). However the resurrection of a deleted blueprint seems like a less serious problem than not getting new blueprints carried across saves.

Re: [15.10] Saving blueprint in an existing book does not update

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:42 pm
by Oxyd
Thanks, it should be fixed in 0.15.13.

Re: [15.10] Saving blueprint in an existing book does not update

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:41 pm
by Distelzombie
Oxyd wrote:Thanks, it should be fixed in 0.15.13.
Can provide us more info? Which blueprint book will be the master book? I which one of all these updated and outdated ones will be the new one?
I fear I'll lose blueprints if the game decides to keep an old one