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[15.9] Train stopped at full power if no other station active

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 2:47 pm
by Case
Hi mates.

-> Version: current 0.15.7 new game started in 0.15.0

situation: I have a train schedule set up as in (picture 1). So the train goes A -> B -> A -> C. Station B and C are bound to conditions and can be disabled. When both stations are disabled the schedule only has multiple stations A.

problem: In this situation the train goes back to A and goes 'nuts' he runs full speed but is not moving (picture 2 see the stream cloud below the train) the schedule is switching between A and A and the train is micro stutter stepping along the track and burns fuel at full speed.

should be: I don't know what the intended behaviour here is. But I guess the train should just stay in station A until B or C comes up again. Or it could go around and goes A -> A in an infinite loop (I hope not :))
picture 1
picture 2
I hope this helps ..

Re: 0.15 Bug related to disabled train stations

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 5:13 pm
by aaargha
That looks really silly.

Attached reproduction save, just set the train to automatic.

Re: [15.9] Train stopped at full power if no other station active

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 9:15 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. I've fixed it so the train doesn't inch forward every tick but it will still *rapidly* cycle between the stations in its schedule (once per tick).

Re: [15.9] Train stopped at full power if no other station active

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 10:48 pm
by StoneLegion
Thanks we were also facing this issue today.

Re: [15.9] Train stopped at full power if no other station active

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 1:48 pm
by Case
Hey mates,
Version: 0.15.10

There is still an issue with the forward 'inching' :). Not sure if it is related to the circuit condition bug.

My setup: The schedule this time is A - B. Conditions at A as shown in the images below (basically it does if train in station read the cargo -> if cargo > 0 disable station so no other train tries to come to this station.) This works as long as not both stations are disabled. If both stations are disabled and the train has cargo in it it starts to 'inch' forward like in the previous bug - also full fuel drain at this point. (I made a save where you can see the behaviour lemme know if you need it then I can post it here.)

Train Schedule
Station A settings
Combinator settings at Station A
It seams the network can 'loose a tick' and then the station is 'open' next tick it gets the info that the train is still there (aka cargo info) and gets disabled again and so on 0101010101010 .. thats why I think it could be related to the 'loading delay bug - something'.

I hope this helps...