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[0.15.x] Not open my old save

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:57 pm
by Bacilioc
When I open in version 0.15.5 the saved game from version 0.14 it displays this error.

Re: [0.15.x] Not open my old save

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:06 pm
by Smarty
latest save game version is base 0.14.13

loaded in 0.14.23 correctly
saved then reloaded in 0.15.5
and it loaded correctly

here is the fixed file.

ill let the devs decide what they are going to do with it.

Re: [0.15.x] Not open my old save

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:34 pm
by Bacilioc
Thanks for the instant response!
Now I enjoy my save game!! :D :D :D

Re: [0.15.x] Not open my old save

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 7:23 pm
by Rseding91
Smarty wrote:latest save game version is base 0.14.13

loaded in 0.14.23 correctly
saved then reloaded in 0.15.5
and it loaded correctly

here is the fixed file.

ill let the devs decide what they are going to do with it.
That is the current fix - there was a save/load problem in 0.14.13 that means if you change anything prototype wise the game is not capable of loading. 0.15 changes things prototype wise so the save(s) have to be loaded in any other version of 0.14, re-saved and then can be loaded in 0.15.