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[0.10.0] Consumptionmodifier Lua property does nothing

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:38 pm
by Rahjital
The title pretty much says it all, the consumptionmodifier property that can be modified for cars in Lua does not actually raise consumption or have any other noticeable effect. The other two properties for cars that can be modified (frictionmodifier and accelerationperenergymodifier) seem to work as intended.

Re: [0.10.0] Consumptionmodifier Lua property does nothing

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:23 pm
by slpwnd
Thanks for the report, this will be fixed in the 0.10.1. Though not sure that consumptionmodifier is the right name. What it does is changes the energy source buffer size. Hence increasing the number allows going faster in exchange for higher consumption. The same vice versa.

Re: [0.10.0] Consumptionmodifier Lua property does nothing

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 6:22 pm
by Rahjital
Ah, so if I increase consumptionmodifier to 2, I will have to set accelerationperenergymodifier to 0.5 to get the same acceleration? Thank you, this will save me a headache later on.