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Graphical Glitchs
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:28 pm
by jakecool19
I have encountered a very weird graphical glitch that is affecting all my saves. Recently I had gotten a new laptop with better specs than my old one, and downloaded Factorio on it. To my surprise, all my saves from the old laptop were on the new one,(thanks devs), but when I went to create a new world to test out the low frequency settings, the world that generated had many weird graphical glitches such as most of the ores in a patch being invisible, and black holes in the world. At first I thought that maybe it was a bad seed, but then I opened up one of my old saves and it had the same glitches plus biters and theirs bases were glitching in and out, and objects in the world, such as tracks would either appear as an outline, or I would just see the shadow of that object. I have never encountered this bug before so any help is very much appreciated!
Re: Graphical Glitchs
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:41 pm
by daniel34
Please post your
Log File .
See also solutions 2 and 4 from this thread:
Re: Graphical Glitchs
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:40 pm
by jakecool19
Thank you daniel34 solution 2 worked for me!
Here is the log file just in case you wanted it anyway
log file Code: Select all
0.010 2016-12-19 11:38:35; Factorio 0.14.21 (build 25327, win64, steam)
0.010 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1607)
0.010 Program arguments: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe"
0.011 Read data path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
0.011 Write data path: C:/Users/jakec/AppData/Roaming/Factorio
0.011 Binaries path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
0.054 System info: [CPU: AMD A6-7310 APU with AMD Radeon R4 Graphics , 4 cores, RAM: 3529MB]
0.057 Display options: [FullScreen: 0] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: 100%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 255]
0.059 Available display adapters: 1
0.060 [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - AMD Radeon(TM) R4 Graphics {0x80005, [0,0], 1366x768, 32bit, 60Hz}
0.060 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [33, 6].
0.323 Initialised Direct3D:[0] AMD Radeon(TM) R4 Graphics; driver: aticfx64.dll
0.351 Video memory size (dedicated video/dedicated system/shared system/available): 496/0/1764/2258 MB
0.481 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
0.481 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=6172Device reset internal.
0.481 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=6172Device reset internal.
0.489 Desktop composition is active.
0.491 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: high] [Light scale: 25%] [DXT: false]
0.711 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
0.735 Loading mod base 0.14.21 (data.lua)
1.128 Checksum for core: 1291735968
1.128 Checksum for mod base: 786624017
2.408 Info PlayerData.cpp:55: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1482164369
2.408 Info PlayerData.cpp:60: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1480489867
2.793 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
2.801 Created atlas bitmap 16384x5589
2.802 Created atlas bitmap 4096x968
2.803 Created atlas bitmap 4096x3652
97.791 Sprites loaded
97.792 Convert atlas 4096x968 to: trilinear-filtering
97.850 Convert atlas 4096x3652 to: mipmap
98.283 Loading sounds...
103.346 Custom inputs active: 0
103.518 Factorio initialised
103.526 Device reset internal.
104.381 Device reset internal.
505.093 Loading map C:\Users\jakec\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\
505.999 Info Scenario.cpp:152: Map version 0.14.21-0
506.398 Checksum for script C:/Users/jakec/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 1827419726
822.754 DSound: Stopping voice
822.754 DSound: Joining thread
822.756 DSound: Exit _dsound_update; tid=6172
822.756 DSound: Waiting for voice to stop ... signaled
822.756 DSound: Joined thread
822.756 DSound: Destroying thread
822.756 DSound: Thread destroyed
822.756 DSound: Releasing buffer
822.757 DSound: Voice stopped
822.757 DSound: Deallocating voice
822.757 DSound: Deallocated voice
823.264 Steam API shutdown.
823.546 Goodbye