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[0.13.13] Blueprint didn't generate (mouse hover) preview

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 7:34 am
by waduk
For some reason (which i think is related to number of entities in inventory), some blueprint is failed to generate preview after i created them.

To reproduce, in the save file i put the link below, there is a small outpost where the character is standing, blueprint that outpost.

It will failed to generate preview IF the blueprint goes to inventory,
However, it will generate preview IF the blueprint goes to quickbar,
EDIT : Turns out if the one that created/goes to quickbar may seem they generate preview correctly, IF you move them in inventory, it cannot generate preview.

Further test, if i empty the inventory, the blueprint can generate the preview correctly, even if it goes to inventory.
So, in other word, this has something to do with inventory (and something else)

But wait ! There's more !
If i made blueprint from smaller entity, let's say a S-R latch, it went OK, no issue even if it goes to inventory.
So the problem has something to do with (large?) number entities in blueprint.

Sorry for the mess inventory, it's only there for reproducing bug.. ...

Notes :
The outpost was just an example, there are several layout that failed to generate preview.
If you open my blueprint book, there are several layout that failed to generate preview.

EDIT 2 :
I made a further test, this has something to do with blueprint book somehow.
Say i create a "problematic layout" (eq: the outpost) blueprint and it generate preview correctly both in inventory or in quickbar.
But if i move that blueprint to blueprint book, it cannot generate preview.

I've no idea what cause it to break/work.

I have another layout that basically an extended version of that problematic outpost., so much bigger. It' s gargantuan.
But they generate preview correctly, even in the blueprint book.

Yet i have another smaller outpost layout even smaller than the problematic outpost sample; that failed to generate preview.

TLDR : I've no idea. Work your magic dev :D

Re: [0.13.13] Blueprint didn't generate (mouse hover) preview

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:15 pm
by Rseding91
Fixed for 0.13.14.

Re: [0.13.13] Blueprint didn't generate (mouse hover) preview

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:22 pm
by waduk
Wow, really fast response.
Thank you !