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[13.13] [kovarex] Train Signal on BP Error REOPENED

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:20 am
by Xeteth
Found a strange error when blueprinting a particular intersection I had. I notice that it doesn't occur all the time, however I am thinking it might be related to the order in which the rail/signal is built and it not properly updating? See the gif below and notice the flashing signal that should work fine.

Re: [0.13.13] Train Signal on BP Error

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:33 am
by Klonan
Thanks for the report,

I've managed to reproduce it somewhat, it seems to vary on the placement like you've said:

Re: [0.13.13] Train Signal on BP Error

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:27 am
by Krizs

I can also confirm this bug. When we upgraded parts of our train network from 4 to 8 lanes and started printing our 8 to 4 and 8 to 8 T intersections we had a couple faulty signals in most if not all of them. After picking the faulty signals up and replacing them they work as intended.

[0.13.17] Signal viability depends on build sequence

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 1:08 pm
by gheift

there is an inconsistence if I build rails before signals or rails, then place signals and then add other rails:
signal-compressor.gif (469.09 KiB) Viewed 12816 times
On the left site I built the diagonal track and the curve and placed the signals. On the right site I built the diagonal track, placed the signals and added the curve after that. By placing the curve, both blocks are merged. If I remove the signals and add them again, the block is splitted again.


Re: [0.13.17] track merged on building curve after signals

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 1:19 pm
by Loewchen
See here as well: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=29574, no idea why it got the pending tag.
Will not move to duplicates, this one is more usable.

Re: [0.13.17] Signal viability depends on build sequence

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:29 pm
by kovarex
I merged the threads.

Re: [0.13.13] Train Signal on BP Error

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:49 pm
by Rseding91
Just for our own information: this bug exists in 0.12 as well. Maybe even 0.11. HanziQ knows what causes it.

Re: [0.13.13] [kovarex] Train Signal on BP Error

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:52 pm
by kovarex
Fixed for 0.14.2

Re: [0.13.13] [kovarex] Train Signal on BP Error

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:53 pm
by kovarex
I added automated test that builds the 3 rail + 2 signal setup in 4 directions and all possible orders (5! * 4 -> 480), and I found and fixed different kind of problems.

Re: [0.13.13] [kovarex] Train Signal on BP Error

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:12 am
by deemer
I was hopeful this was fixed in 0.14.2, so I tested it, but my 4-way intersection blueprint still has blinking chain signals that need to be picked up and replaced.

Blueprint string:
(1.14 KiB) Downloaded 229 times
BlinkingSignal.png (932.86 KiB) Viewed 12633 times
I note that the only signals that blink in my blueprint are the ones that are adjacent to two rail sections, although when the signals are blinking, they are still attached graphically to the correct track piece.

Re: [0.13.13] [kovarex] Train Signal on BP Error

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 8:27 am
by Loewchen
deemer wrote:I was hopeful this was fixed in 0.14.2, so I tested it, but my 4-way intersection blueprint still has blinking chain signals that need to be picked up and replaced.
Is this still the case if you make a new BP from the repaired (not blinking) junction?

Please upload the save file for testing.

Re: [0.13.13] [kovarex] Train Signal on BP Error

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:29 pm
by deemer
Loewchen wrote: Is this still the case if you make a new BP from the repaired (not blinking) junction?

Save uploaded to dropbox: ...

Re: [0.13.13] [kovarex] Train Signal on BP Error

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:27 pm
by TheUnknown007
I have this problem as well, blueprint was made in 0.14.02

Although it isn't game breaking, it is pretty annoying to pick up and replace all those signals.

If you spawn somewhere else than where I saved (there should be a T-junction with roboports and a train with one wagon), search for the train in the train menu: for me it is the last one, but I don't know whether this is consistent between computers. It is the only one on manual, and has all kinds of stations named "private - [...]"

Blueprint: "rail stuff" blueprint book in the quickbar, third row ("T-junction (buggy)"). I noticed that all flashing signals say that they have no incoming / outgoing blocks, which suggests that those are not updated properly. As far as I know, only double signals (one signal on both sides of the rails) fail.
Attempts to reproduce failed (blueprint in inventory, south of the junction).

[0.14.5] Signals flashing on blueprint (Bug persists)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 7:10 am
by Xeteth
I have just updated to the latest experimental build and am finding that signals built by blueprinting intersections are still sometimes going into a flashing state. Deleting and replacing the signal turns it back into a normal state.

This is a follow up of viewtopic.php?f=11&t=30350

A nice gif to demonstrate:

Re: [0.14.5] Signals flashing on blueprint (Bug persists)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:22 am
by Loewchen
It seems kovarex' test does not cover all possibilities.
Please upload the save file.

Ill merge this report with the old one and reopen it, as it is not that old.

Re: [13.13] [kovarex] Train Signal on BP Error REOPENED

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:04 pm
by kovarex
Well, yes this is caused by different (but related) problem. I will make tests for this as well and fix it.

Re: [13.13] [kovarex] Train Signal on BP Error REOPENED

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:44 pm
by kovarex
Fixed for 0.14.6

Re: [13.13] [kovarex] Train Signal on BP Error REOPENED

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:47 pm
by deemer
Tested on 0.14.7. Fixed for me. Thanks, kovarex!

[14.22] [kovarex] Seems like this is still a thing

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:35 am
by aaargha
The following blueprint-string seems to have a few signals that can end up flashing, though not every time it is built. Attaching savefile with example.

EDIT: It seems to happen every time when using creative mode, might give some clue to what triggers it.