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[Rseding91] [0.13.13] Train Fueling Issue

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:54 am
by Phaedin
Three train stations: Two of the trains will not load fuel from the 2nd position (entity box) in from the front on the trains left. Loading fuel from the 2nd position in from the front on the trains right does work.
Justarandomgeek from IRC stated: Could it be related to the collisionbox stuff that got done recently, given that it's in that just-barely-fits spot inside a curve

Save: ...

Works from other side:

Overview of three trains, 2 wont load from front right of train.

Re: [0.13.13] Train Fueling Issue

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:17 am
by eradicator
Confirmed in 0.13.13 base without mods.

It's the upper right curve overshadowing the collision box of the chest if the chest is placed after the rail. If the chest is placed first and the rail aftwards (i.e. by demolishing the rail and placing it again) it works normally.

Re: [Rseding91] [0.13.13] Train Fueling Issue

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 1:19 pm
by Rseding91
Should be fixed for 0.13.14.