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[0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:40 am
by johnmegacycle
Good Day,
Ever since I've upgraded my headless windows server, running on Windows Server 2012 - 64 bit, to 13.10 and now 13.11, the entire game runs in slow motion.
The server has more than enough resources (CPU only at 40% and 20% RAM in use at any time) and was running wonderfully with version 13.5.
To be very specific, the game will run in 'slow motion' for several seconds, then about 4-6 seconds at a normal speed, and then back to slow motion.
This is easily reproducible as I've tried several different client machines to connect to the server, all with the same result.
In my attempt to remedy, I've already restarted the headless server and the actual host Windows server a few times, with no success.

This is happening in vanilla, no mods used at all.
I'll be happy to provide any requested information.
Thanks for your time.

Re: [0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:05 am
by Nexela
To help in narrowing down your issue.

#1 Does this happen on a new map?
#2 Are you using mods?

#3 upload factorio-current.log file
#4 upload screen shots with debug mode turned on (F5) during normal and slow downs

#5 Optional but might be requested - upload save file, and mod folder

Re: [0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:20 am
by johnmegacycle
Requested files are attached:
3 snapshots during slowness
Mods Folder
Current game save
factorio-current.log file

This server has 100% been vanilla with no mods added.
I haven't tried it on a new map.
All requested files are attached.

Let me know if you need anything else. ^_^

Re: [0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:55 am
by Nexela
Also try disabling vysnc, might be related to viewtopic.php?f=182&t=29626&hilit=twins ... 10#p188715

Re: [0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:56 am
by TruePikachu
johnmegacycle wrote:CPU only at 40%
How many cores on the system?

Re: [0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:12 am
by johnmegacycle
It's a quad core processor.
Disabling the 'Wait for Vsync' has shown some very good improvements.
I'll work with the other players and make notes that it is an issue that we can work with.
Just to reiterate as well, this happened somewhere between 0.13.5 and 0.13.10.
I know that isn't much of a help, but any info that can help, right?

Thanks for the quick responses.
I'll reply again to this in a few days after some more game testing is done.

Re: [0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:52 pm
by klankland
I have experienced the same behaviour. The last non-sluggish version for me was 13.09. I run factorio on an Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.40 GHz (4 cores), 16GB RAM and an NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 3849x2160. Before version 13.10 everything ran fine, but after installing 13.10 things became sluggish. Curiously, FPS in 13.09, 13.10 and 13.11 are more or less the same (at around 30 FPS)

Re: [0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:03 am
by KeyszerS
I also experienced performance issues going to 13.10. It's noticeable on a new map when you just walk around, and then zoom out to maximum level. Walking is slower. This beharious is/was not seen on 13.9

Have not tested 13.11 yet

Re: [0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 9:41 am
by Klonan
This should be fixed in 0.13.12

Re: [0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:49 pm
by markw
I've been seeing the "slo mo" bug since 0.13.11. and I can say that for an existing game, 0.13.12 didn't fix it.

I couldn't run with 0.13.10 because it was crashing due to other bug when crafting.

I am running Linux with Steam, 4K display.
I notice that the "slo mo" happens right after a save. The game always "hangs" for a second when saving. Right after that, the "slo mo" kicks in. I also noticed that when moving items out of hand with "Q" it seems to kick in as well. Sometimes a re-load of game fixes it, but not always. It seems to just fix itself after a while. Sometimes by the next save. Very annoying though. The early game is slow enough without an exoskeleton.

Re: [0.13.10] and [0.13.11] Slow Motion

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:55 pm
by Loewchen
markw wrote:I've been seeing the "slo mo" bug since 0.13.11. and I can say that for an existing game, 0.13.12 didn't fix it.

I couldn't run with 0.13.10 because it was crashing due to other bug when crafting.

I am running Linux with Steam, 4K display.
I notice that the "slo mo" happens right after a save. The game always "hangs" for a second when saving. Right after that, the "slo mo" kicks in. I also noticed that when moving items out of hand with "Q" it seems to kick in as well. Sometimes a re-load of game fixes it, but not always. It seems to just fix itself after a while. Sometimes by the next save. Very annoying though. The early game is slow enough without an exoskeleton.
Please post:
  1. pc specs
  2. log
  3. screenshots with show_fps and show_time_used_percent activated in the debug menu (F4 > F5), one with, one without the issue (on the same map in the same zoom...)