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[0.13.6] [Twinsen] Constant combinator control updates to wrong value

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 3:12 pm
by PKing Zombie Spy

So constant combinators appear to have the following UI behavior: when changing the value output on a particular signal, both the signal output value and the UI control that lets you set the constant value agree. They are always in sync. Very simple and intuitive.

They can however get out of sync. The idea is that if you declare a signal in a slot, then delete the signal, then reuse the slot, the UI control will have the constant value of the deleted signal, not the new signal. In the image we have the following:
  • I place a constant combinator.
  • In first slot I create a signal "0". It has value 1, and control shows 1. I change it to 10, both value and control show 10. Good so far.
  • In second slot I create a signal "1". It has value 1, and control shows 1. I change it to 5, both value and control show 5. Good so far.
  • I destroy signal "0" of first slot by right clicking on first slot. Control still shows 5. Good so far, I think, since if no slot is selected it's fine for the value to not be defined, I guess.
  • In first slot I create a signal "2". It has value 1, but control shows 10. UI bug is here. The control has been updated not to the actual value 1, but of the past deleted value 10.
  • For good measure in third slot I create a signal "3", both value and control agree it is 1. That is good.
This seems trivial, and it causes me no trouble, but I thought I'd report it anyway just in case this retention of a supposedly "deleted" item was a symptom of a more serious problem.

Re: [0.13.6] Constant combinator control updates to wrong value

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:23 pm
by Klonan
Thanks for the report,

And the gif is very nice :)

Re: [0.13.6] [Twinsen] Constant combinator control updates to wrong value

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 3:40 pm
by Twinsen
Fixed in Version: 0.13.10.

Also made the slider reset back to 0 when you clear a signal.