Here is the whole entity. It is literally a copy of the car entity with the name/images changed. If I use the car's pictures then it works fine. If I use my own pictures section then everything works except the sprites are invisible.
Code: Select all
type = "car",
name = "raft",
icon = "__im-on-a-boat__/graphics/icons/raft.png",
flags = {"pushable", "placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
minable = {mining_time = 1, result = "raft"},
max_health = 500,
corpse = "medium-remnants",
resistances =
type = "fire",
percent = 50
collision_box = {{-0.7, -1}, {0.7, 1}},
selection_box = {{-0.7, -1}, {0.7, 1}},
acceleration_per_energy = 0.000001,
breaking_speed = 0.01,
burner =
effectivity = 1,
fuel_inventory_size = 1,
smoke =
name = "smoke",
deviation = {0.25, 0.25},
frequency = 50,
position = {0, 1.5},
slow_down_factor = 0.9,
starting_frame = 3,
starting_frame_deviation = 5,
starting_frame_speed = 0,
starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5
consumption = "600kW",
friction = 0.02,
light =
type = "oriented",
minimum_darkness = 0.3,
picture =
filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png",
priority = "medium",
scale = 2,
width = 200,
height = 200
shift = {-0.6, -14},
size = 2,
intensity = 0.6
type = "oriented",
minimum_darkness = 0.3,
picture =
filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png",
priority = "medium",
scale = 2,
width = 200,
height = 200
shift = {0.6, -14},
size = 2,
intensity = 0.6
-- pictures =
-- {
-- filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-sheet.png",
-- line_length = 8,
-- frame_width = 130,
-- frame_height = 93,
-- shift={0.5, 0},
-- axially_symmetrical = false,
-- direction_count = 64
-- },
pictures =
filename = "__im-on-a-boat__/graphics/entity/raft-sheet.png",
line_length = 8,
frame_width = 48,
frame_height = 48,
shift={0.5, 0},
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 64
rotation_speed = 0.015,
weight = 50,
inventory_size = 80