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[0.13.0] Underground belt placement bug.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:54 am
by credomane
Underground belts are NOT placed under the cursor like they are supposed to but are placed elsewhere.
Steps to reproduce:
- Build a entity of any kind.
- Create a ghost entity any kind some where out of normal player reach from the entity in step one.
- Try to place a real underground belt on the previous entity in step one.
- Try doing the new underground belt-drag. omg you are placing those way out of normal placement range. O_O
If you hold the mouse button down you can see the underground place entity is aligned along the x-axis to the ghost entity but is on y-axis of the cursor.
Screenshot of it in action. Mouse cursor is over the fast inserter by my player character. The ghost is way off to the left of the screen and the to be place underground belt is a little way below that. Doing the belt drag works as if I was standing over there within range. Anything that would "break" the dragging procedure breaks this one too.
[edit] Just tested underground pipes too. They also do the exact same thing as underground belts.
Re: [0.13.0] Underground belt placement bug. (and UG pipes too)
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:25 am
by kinnom
this is intended behaviour
Oh, the second belt to ground is placeable outside of your max range
Re: [0.13.0] Underground belt placement bug. (and UG pipes too)
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:43 am
by Klonan
Thanks for the report,
Can you explain the bug you're having a little more clearly?
You are just auto-placing underground belts and underground pipes outside of normal construction range?
Re: [0.13.0] Underground belt placement bug. (and UG pipes too)
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:25 pm
by credomane
Klonan wrote:Can you explain the bug you're having a little more clearly?
You are just auto-placing underground belts and underground pipes outside of normal construction range?
I'll try to get a video of it for you and upload it somewhere shortly.
I'm not only able to place them outside of placement range they are being placed no where near the actual mouse pointer. Discovered it by accident. Now I can't quit doing it and ruining my ghost factory, apparently.
Re: [0.13.0] [Pending] Underground belt placement bug.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:55 pm
by Fug1t1v3
If underground belt or pipe is tried to be placed over some other item, then it will place items on the last placed position
This is what author mentioned:
And after that, I found that it is possible even without ghost-placing:
Re: [0.13.0] [Pending] Underground belt placement bug.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:03 pm
by Smarty
can confirm this and it also happens with power poles
Re: [0.13.0] [Pending] Underground belt placement bug.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:10 pm
by credomane
Seems a few others have replicated it and provided a video. Here is mine too.
Placement bug video
Well. I noticed it with ghosts when I broke a portion of my ghost factory while making it a real factory. Never thought to try it with a real entity and not a ghost entity. Nice find.
Smarty wrote:can confirm this and it also happens with power poles
I didn't even think to try those. I just, apparently, wrongly assumed it was a bug in the new belt and pipe placement code.
Re: [0.13.0] [Pending] Underground belt placement bug.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 10:00 pm
by Klonan
Thanks for the reports,
I have managed to reproduce the issue:
Re: [0.13.0] [Pending] Underground belt placement bug.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 10:03 pm
by Fug1t1v3
Klonan wrote:Thanks for the reports,
I have managed to reproduce the issue:
Look at my second link, there is possibility to do that, without use of ghost-placing
Re: [0.13.0] [Pending] Underground belt placement bug.
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:58 pm
by credomane
Fug1t1v3 wrote:Look at my second link, there is possibility to do that, without use of ghost-placing
I can confirm this. The new drag mechanic seems to cause the placement "preview" to move to the last known "good" placement location along the x-axis (Code is pulling from the wrong coordinate variable perhaps?) if you attempt to place the drag-able entity in a location that is invalid, such as over water, stone rock or another placed entity. Then dragging will cause the item to be placed as in the gifs.
Re: [0.13.0] Underground belt placement bug.
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:21 pm
by Rseding91
Fixed for 0.13.4.