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[0.9] Liquid input capacity is too large

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:23 am
by production
Liquid input capacity for plants is currently very large. I think it should be reduced to 2x the cost requirement of the recipe. So for example, a chemical plant making Sulfur (recipe uses 3x water, 3x petroleum gas) should have input capacity of 6x water, 6x gas. Currently the capacity is 100x water (not sure about gas, but I think it is also triple digits).

Since liquids can't go in your inventory, the player loses all the unused input liquid resources when repositioning a chemical plant (unless you disconnect the pipeline and wait for the inputs to be used). I think it's a better gameplay experience when you're fairly free to edit your base layout without losing huge amounts of resources.

In fact, I would propose letting the unused inputs go back into the input pipeline when removing a plant (if there's enough room).

If the player wants a big input buffer, he's always free to build pipelines / tanks.

Solid inputs should stay where they are.

Re: [0.9] Liquid input capacity is too large

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 5:28 pm
by Goddohando
Have to agree.
Especially when experimenting with oil for the first time I have lost a lot of it due to the problem explained above...

Re: [0.9] Liquid input capacity is too large

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:12 am
by ray4ever
I have to agree. It would be much more inline with the "normal" rules for assemblers if the input for the chemical plants would be changed.

Re: [0.9] Liquid input capacity is too large

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:27 am
by darius456
True... Nothing more.

Re: [0.9] Liquid input capacity is too large

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:19 pm
by slpwnd
Thanks for the report. This will be fixed in the 0.9.1. There the input liquid will have a limit of twice what is requested for the recipe.

Re: [0.9] Liquid input capacity is too large

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:19 am
by Marqee
Look also for some quantity calibration.
to create the "petroleum gas" that is the most needed for other recipes in particular plastic ----> advanced circuit ( purple ones )
i produce tons and tons or better liters and liters of heavy and light oil.
The problem is , if the oil is not taken out form the rafinery no more petroleum gas is comes out too.

I tried storing on storages tanks , i stopped at 70 of them full of oil ( light and heavy )
and even with some oil converted in solid fuel ( 14.000 units ) and into flametrower ammo. (4.000 units) i'm still lack of "petroleum gas"

i thing the plastic recipe must be tuned. too low quantity of plastic produced
also the oil to solid fuel must be scaled at at least 1/10 or more. maybe could be "pressed" in a special machine to obtain back some "crude oil " and some garbage with low energetic power to burn.
would be a nice addition also the water lakes are not "infinte souce of water supply" would be nice that they become smaller and then exaust.
So there will be sense in storing water in storage tanks.

p.s. is there a command to destroy an item ?

Re: [0.9] Liquid input capacity is too large

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:00 pm
by ssilk
Yes, 'c'. :)