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[0.12.0] Crash when rotating blueprint.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:40 am
by Gwynbleidd
Log file:
This only happens with one particular blueprint. I haven't had any of the other blueprints I've made crash the game, it doesn't seem to have to do with how big the blueprint is because bigger ones don't cause a crash. Sometimes just activating it causes a crash, but it always crashes if I try to rotate.

The blueprint that crashes is the only thing in the quickbar or inventory in the save. Game was started on 0.11.22, blueprint was created with 2 mods running (Larger Inventory and Request Size changer) but crash still happens while trying to use it with no mods turned on.
Link to save file:

Re: [0.12.0] Crash when rotating blueprint.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:00 am
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. This has been fixed for 0.12.1.

It's caused by rotating blueprints with underground belts in them. Until 0.12.1 don't do that :)