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[Hrusa] [Import from] planet reverts when changing quality

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2024 12:22 pm
by FoolishBalloon
When setting an orbital request on a space platform, I sometimes change the target planet before selecting the quality of the item to be imported. This then reverts the target planet to default one, which is a minor QoL issue which hopefully can be fixed easily. Look at the following screenshots for clarification:

Orbital request for gun turret:
11-08-2024, 13-19-47.png
11-08-2024, 13-19-47.png (219.66 KiB) Viewed 788 times
Change import planet to Fulgora:
11-08-2024, 13-20-07.png
11-08-2024, 13-20-07.png (220.71 KiB) Viewed 788 times
Change rarity to Epic this is the bug, it changes planet back to Nauvis
11-08-2024, 13-20-48.png
11-08-2024, 13-20-48.png (220.05 KiB) Viewed 788 times
Here I usually press E to quickly confirm the order, which confirms it with the wrong planet selected. Again, hopefully this can be easily fixed as it's just a minor inconvenience.

Re: [Hrusa] [Import from] planet reverts when chaning quality

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 9:15 pm
by Kyium
This only occurs when you create the request for the first time oddly. Modifying an existing request doesn't exibit this behaviour.

Edit: It only occurs when modifying requests that can be fulfilled I belive. Modifying a request that cannot be fulfilled after creation doesn't change the planet back to nauvis if it was set to fulgora for example.

Re: [Hrusa] [Import from] planet reverts when changing quality

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:43 pm
by gyorokpeter
I'm actually seeing the reset happen when changing an existing request that can't be fulfilled.

Re: [Hrusa] [Import from] planet reverts when changing quality

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 1:24 pm
by xargo-sama
Fixed in the next update.