[1.1.77] Loader electric energy buffer looks bugged - wrong buffer size, double buffering
Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 8:25 pm
Some observations: The buffer fills twice for loader energy usage. Specified buffer_capacity is ignored and is set to a small value? (15kJ -ish per lane? something * energy_per_item per lane?)
Result: rapid charge, filling twice. The usage is as expected: very slow for an input of 10kW and usage of 13kJ per item. The buffer in the Prototype Explorer, and via
/c game.print(game.player.selected.prototype.electric_energy_source_prototype.buffer_capacity)
is 1MJ. The loader is clearly not that, though. Energy at full charge: /c game.print(game.player.selected.energy) is 13866.6 repeating, or only 1/60th above 13 kJ (1 + 1/60)
The double-buffer filling *looks* like both lanes: two items get transferred at "full" charge, but the items *don't* need to be on opposite sides, so it seems like half-lane power usage wasn't fully implemented or is bugged?
Code: Select all
local es = {
type = "electric",
usage_priority = "primary-input",
-- drain = "0W",
buffer_capacity = "1MJ",
input_flow_limit = "10kW",
for _, loaders in pairs({data.raw["loader"], data.raw["loader-1x1"]}) do
for name, prototype in pairs(loaders) do
prototype.energy_per_item = "13kJ"
prototype.energy_source = table.deepcopy(es)
Result: rapid charge, filling twice. The usage is as expected: very slow for an input of 10kW and usage of 13kJ per item. The buffer in the Prototype Explorer, and via
/c game.print(game.player.selected.prototype.electric_energy_source_prototype.buffer_capacity)
is 1MJ. The loader is clearly not that, though. Energy at full charge: /c game.print(game.player.selected.energy) is 13866.6 repeating, or only 1/60th above 13 kJ (1 + 1/60)
The double-buffer filling *looks* like both lanes: two items get transferred at "full" charge, but the items *don't* need to be on opposite sides, so it seems like half-lane power usage wasn't fully implemented or is bugged?