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[1.1.72] Bonuses window, inserter stack bonus, small detail for inserters with stack_size_bonus > 0

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:52 am
by Honktown
In the bonuses screen, the bonus listed has 1 pre-added, which makes it incorrect for non-1 inserters.

The normal stack inserter capacity would be 1+2 = 3, the modded one in the tooltip, 4+2 is obviously not 3. Same thing for non-stack inserters.
inserter hand size.png
inserter hand size.png (58.59 KiB) Viewed 2003 times

Re: [1.1.72] Bonuses window, inserter stack bonus, small detail for inserters with stack_size_bonus > 0

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 5:47 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next release.