Hej, i have a modded rail which consists of vanilla rails attached with placeable_by. Blueprints and copy shortcut selects the correct modded rail. Pipetting it selects the vanilla rail whch is then placed instead. I expect that the pipette has the same behaviour like the blueprint tools. Cu, steinio.
Well Nilaus got fired and now plays Factorio the whole day. Many people are fired everyday, and not all of them are because of a Factorio addiction. The way you wrote this implies it was the case for Nilaus. Are you sure you're that much informed ? No, it doesn't imply it. You interpret it into my ...
With regards to the rich text icon selector, I'd much prefer if the selector uses the " " variant instead of "[item=iron-plate]". When used with LTN the station names are used to announce deliveries in chat, the "[item" variant also renders the full item name, clutteri...