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Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot abuse

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:19 am
by darkminaz
After my first factory was .. well productive but rater unelegant i thought "lets make a new one", well on the same page i watched the new lego movie and .. boom i got an idea
So here is my current robot wonderland after 4 hours.
Trains and co will be added soon ;)



and the fitting song

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:26 am
by Lee_newsum

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:22 am
by darkminaz
hmm that mod would give me a bit more free space sure, but i hardly need that. i'm currently building solarpowerworld and savethaengergy. since i got rid of most enemys i'm pretty wide open to put down stuff wherever i want :D

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:38 pm
by darkminaz
Game kept bitching about how i don't have enough energy for stuff so .. 2k storage and 1,4k solar panels for the rescue
also, i'm kinda wondering what to do with all the iron and chopper .. well aside from just building more and more storage^^


and a pic of my current map

e: since the map is realy useless without a legend
purple = solar
blue = power storage
red = other electirc
white = towers
green = oil stuff
yellow = smelting
the rest of the blue is research and factorys.

13 hours, did some work on my rails and my logistic network. (since it was mostly full i had to build a lot of little boxes^^)

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:52 pm
by darkminaz

got a rocket defense now .. didn't realy look how i planed it would xD


my whole thing needs around 6gj per night, solar kicks it right back up.
(2.7k solar panels, 16gj storage) i just deactivated my other production.

and my storage full of useless stuff :D (almost all my limiters are at 100,200,300, to not get to mutch stuff that i don't need)

e: since the rocket defense looks .. well .. like a grey block with text .. i decided to make it more scary
now with traindefense (since the game doesn't feature sharks), ELECTROSHOCKERRRR (i mean .. accumulator ..) LAZORTURRETS and a mighty wall :D
+ a trainstop to call it "fort KICKASS" .. woudn't be the same without it.

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:35 pm
by Xterminator
Wow that is pretty damn awesome man! I want to do something like this in my current save but it takes me forever... :( I wish I could build fast like that. I mean your epic base that took like 13 or so, would take me about 30 to do. Haha

Maybe I just need more practice. :D epic base though!

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:03 pm
by darkminaz
well it's my 2nd base and i spend most of the wasted time currently with ideas that i try out but don't realy work :P
last save is at 18hours. i kinda let it run for 2 hours while i was out for dinner and since nothing blew up i decided to just go on with it.
so totalplaytime is 16hours.

few tipps: use your shotgun to destory the forrest (or deconstruct them with bots)
use blueprints to create big projects .. or be stupid like me and stick it down yourself since it's kinda more fun that way.
create limiters for everything!!!!! set them around a ammount that you would take with you to build something (i.e around 200 solar/walls etc)
as soon as you got power armor, stick in as many runspeed things as you can (+ 1 iron man reactor)
use robots ;) saves you a looot of space since you don't need belts.

and thanks ;)

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:59 am
by darkminaz
Alcatraz, my cute little outpost that waits for tanks and airplane patch :D
We are surrounded! good that means we can fire in any direction!


Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:50 pm
by darkminaz
23 hours, a lot of defense positions more (for no real reason, aside from fun)

overall 2.5k laser turrets, 3.4k solar panels and 3.1 accumulators take care of a solid defense :D

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:06 pm
by darkminaz
guess your setup gets big when you have to use photoshop to add the maps togetter xD
(or else the train station names won't show anymore)

28 hours now with moar trains :D

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:52 am
by transportman
You do have a high biter density NE, but the rest of the map almost seems empty of biters. Are there any or are they really all in the NE corner?

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:00 am
by darkminaz
left corner got a few, i did wype out the south :P
forgott to mention that i play on relaxed mode, so the critters don't disturb me. + i made the map myself, so i added a big camp in case i ever wana feel a challenge ^^
i kinda like building more then the war part in this game (maybe if they change it in a future patch ill try out the normal mode again) but currently i just love building setups and trains and stuff^^

Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:48 pm
by darkminaz
After i got the amazing treefarm + dytech i decided to upgrade my stuff a bit
golden bots are awesome :P






Re: Everything is awesome when your part of a Team / robot a

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:16 am
by darkminaz
my rather chaotic dytech metal factory, well that is currently kinda useless since i don't need it for anything as far as i can see.
Well atleast i got it setup incase there is a update ^^


and a update of my map.


43 hours now and i kinda think i'm out of things to do.