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New Series Idea: Need Your Input

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:10 pm
by Xterminator
Hey all,

As some of you may know, I do YouTube videos of Factorio. I was part of the Hydra Dilemma series, and currently doing a multiplayer series with another member from the Hydra Dilemma, Alex.

The point of this topic though is that I have an idea for another Factorio series I want to start, but the idea is a bit odd so before I go to the effort to start it, I would like to hear from you guys if it is something you would be interested in seeing, and/or if you have any suggestions/adaptions to the idea to make it better. So here are the details:
- Would be singleplayer
- Would use a couple small mods. Thinking of Uranium Power mod, just because it looks cool and would add another element to the game. As well as a few tiny mods such as Resource Monitor, Fat Controller and maybe Automatic Train Layer.

- Here is the basic idea/premise of the series: Thinking of calling it something like (get ready, dumb name incoming :p), Total Depletion, or something similar. The goal throughout the series and reflected in the gameplay would be to consume resources as the quickest rate possible, and to go hand-in-hand with that, to also build on a massive scale. I know the idea seems kind of weird, but for some reason it just seems appealing to me, as I have intentionally played this way, it just sounds fun. Funny enough, I got the idea when randomly thinking about Independence Day (the movie), and how the aliens would go to a planet, consume all the natural resources, then just move on to the next, and the next etc... Somehow this translated into a Factorio series idea of me doing a similar thing. Just consuming tons of resources, building massive things and just moving on to resource after resource and so on.

So as you can imagine, this would include tons of trains and expansion. I had considered using the Resource Spawner Overhaul mod for this, but have mostly decided against it, as it just seems to kind of conflict with what I want to do.
I would however make the resources more spread out just by changing the map settings. Was thinking something like: Normal size/richness, but low or very low frequency (I know same as RSO, but not THAT spread out as the mod makes them), and then biter richness and size on High, but frequency on low. Seems like it would be interesting.

So yeah, I know a long post, but I wanted to include as many details as possible. Let me know if this is something that sounds interesting, or if ya have any adaptions to the idea to make it more interesting. :)

Re: New Series Idea: Need Your Input

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:44 am
by Marbles
I would very much like to see a series focused on massive builds and huge resource usage. Most of the series build the same small cluttered factories, I've seen enough of those.

For example, look at the module factory I posted, about as big as a regular factory, but only produces module 3's at 16 a minute, clear and efficiently built, using more than double the amount of resources as the entire rest of my factory. That shit is what I want to see in a series :D

Re: New Series Idea: Need Your Input

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:04 pm
by Dantounet
So as you can imagine, this would include tons of trains and expansion. I had considered using the Resource Spawner Overhaul mod for this, but have mostly decided against it, as it just seems to kind of conflict with what I want to do.
I would however make the resources more spread out just by changing the map settings. Was thinking something like: Normal size/richness, but low or very low frequency (I know same as RSO, but not THAT spread out as the mod makes them), and then biter richness and size on High, but frequency on low. Seems like it would be interesting.
You know you can change the RSO settings easily by changing some numbers in the config file.
You can change everything with exact values and have something a lot more precise than just set "very low frequency" with vanilla settings.

Re: New Series Idea: Need Your Input

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:43 pm
by Lee_newsum
what you ned is a goal/s
10ml Iron plate and Copper plate
10 ml Battery
10 ml advanced electrical
10 ml Processing Unit
10 ml Destroyer capsule
some Modules ??

Rocket defense ???

some/all/over ones

Re: New Series Idea: Need Your Input

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:36 pm
by ssilk
10 milli-liters or iron plates? :)

Seriously: It takes ages to build that up. And I'm not sure, if the game is ready for that.

I'm currently playing such a big world. From my experience I would say:

- At some level change to god-mode, cause always running or waiting for trains becomes boring.
- make everything big. If you think, this is big: Double the size. I have for example a furnace, with about 1000 furnaces. It is needed. Buidling that big is a problem, cause you come to new logistic problems.
- You need a concept to secure the borders to keep the conquered area clean from nests for a while.
- You need several robot networks. Doing all in one network won't work well.
- Plan your supply for the outposts. I use trains with length of 5 wagons and supply stations.
- You will need trains. Many trains.. The train routing has some ugly bugs, which comes out, when you use many trains. The only working thing against that are long pre-station-rails.So that the train cannot decide to drive on the last switch the whole way back.

Re: New Series Idea: Need Your Input

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:33 am
by Xterminator
Dantounet wrote:
So as you can imagine, this would include tons of trains and expansion. I had considered using the Resource Spawner Overhaul mod for this, but have mostly decided against it, as it just seems to kind of conflict with what I want to do.
I would however make the resources more spread out just by changing the map settings. Was thinking something like: Normal size/richness, but low or very low frequency (I know same as RSO, but not THAT spread out as the mod makes them), and then biter richness and size on High, but frequency on low. Seems like it would be interesting.
You know you can change the RSO settings easily by changing some numbers in the config file.
You can change everything with exact values and have something a lot more precise than just set "very low frequency" with vanilla settings.
Hmm yes I know I can change the settings, but I'm pretty bad with figuring this type of thing out, so even after looking over the config I wasn't really sure what to change in order to lower the distance it spreads them out. Perhaps you could give a general explanation of how to do this, and then I could probably use the mod in the series. ;)
ssilk wrote:10 milli-liters or iron plates? :)

Seriously: It takes ages to build that up. And I'm not sure, if the game is ready for that.

I'm currently playing such a big world. From my experience I would say:

- At some level change to god-mode, cause always running or waiting for trains becomes boring.
- make everything big. If you think, this is big: Double the size. I have for example a furnace, with about 1000 furnaces. It is needed. Buidling that big is a problem, cause you come to new logistic problems.
- You need a concept to secure the borders to keep the conquered area clean from nests for a while.
- You need several robot networks. Doing all in one network won't work well.
- Plan your supply for the outposts. I use trains with length of 5 wagons and supply stations.
- You will need trains. Many trains.. The train routing has some ugly bugs, which comes out, when you use many trains. The only working thing against that are long pre-station-rails.So that the train cannot decide to drive on the last switch the whole way back.
Good points there. I do need to do a bit of research on how to keep biter bases from spawning, as I have not really done that type of thing yet. But your right, it would be pretty crucial.
Figuring out the trains, especially with the bugs they have will be difficult, but I think that will be part of the fun. :D

I really like your analogy of making things big. If I think it's big, double the size. :D I will definitely try to put this into my building style for the series as much as possible.