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[1.1.25] Can't ghost-place in fog of war

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:24 am
by thuejk
The 1.1.15 changelog said:
- Allowed to build blueprints anywhere regardless fog of war.

However, this seems to be inconsistent. if I hold e.g. a single powerpole in my hand and shift-click with it in the fog of war, I get the error message "Cannot build in fog of war". But if I have a blueprint of a single powerpole, then I can place that in the fog of war.

I know that the 2 things technically are probably not the same thing, but logically they are for the player, and I assume the behavior difference is not on purpose.

Re: [1.1.25] Can't blueprint single item in fog of war

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:40 pm
by Loewchen
That is not a bug.