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Cosmos - a universal factory mod

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:33 pm
by pelocammelo
Hi all,

I am looking for people to create a mod for factorio.

I truly love vanilla, but after thousand of hours I developed an itch that neither vanilla, nor the mods, can really scratch.

To put it short, I want to make an adventure mod: a tailor-made experience based on the core mechanics of factorio, but with an handmade map, objectives, unlockable technologies and so on.

To be honest, I don't think I can pull it off by myself. I have a thousand "cool" ideas, as I am sure most of you had, but I realize that there would be too much to do for a single person.

Factorio is unique, many other factory building games tried, but only factorio really nailed the feeling of growth, balance and expansion. The factory must grow. My dream is to keep this feeling, while providing a framework to add adventure and a living universe.

The genera ideal:
You are shipwrecked on an alien planet, I would add some basic survival needs to fulfill, a bit of plants and animal farming for produce and some early resources. Mining as usual, some extra mineral to spicy it up, exploring reveals ruins protected by enemies, defenses or natural barriers(cliffs, water, lava...). The core loop to collect, automate and expand is supported by unlocks found around the world. The adventure continues by exploring the planet and finding civilizations (alive to trade, hostile to battle or dead to overcome their defenses). Once the planet is conquered, the first rocket in space, you realize that was just the beginning. Intergalactic empires, secret planets protected by giant monsters or ancient technology, new materials and technologies, quests, using whole planets to gather get the feeling.

The beauty of this game is the wealth of mods and ideas already implemented to draw inspiration.

How I envision this project is a universe based on a wiki page: history and facts first written by the community, then implemented in the game engine and having regular updates.

I understand that for many the appeal of the game is the random generated map and to optimize "standard" production chains, but if you are still reading, maybe you are also interested in creating something different with factorio.

Now, the first step is to a form council and write a manifesto to detail the guidelines for the mod.

Anyone intersted?



(it feels odd to write a forum post, I have never done anything similar before. I dont want to manage or lead a development team, but I would like to start a movement, which I have been dreaming of being a part of. Also, I couldn't think of any better title then Cosmos)