[1.1.55] Ghost build machine rotation inconsistencies

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[1.1.55] Ghost build machine rotation inconsistencies

Post by dsummers »

Configured refineries, chemical plants, and assemblers (with fluid input) can be instantly rotated remotely by using an exact blueprint (such as from the copy tool), but can not be marked for rotation.
Electric mining drills and pumpjacks can be marked for rotation with an unconfigured ghost but not a configured one.

To me, the behaviour in the former case seems outright incorrect, whereas in the latter case it still seems wrong (but more subtly). I'd expect both unconfigured and identically configured ghosts to be able to mark for rotation in all cases (and, of course, for remote rotation without construction bots to be impossible).

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Re: [1.1.55] Ghost build machine rotation inconsistencies

Post by boskid »

Given that for 2.0 a rotate request was removed (and machines can be rotated remotely, https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-380) and there were other features added (like https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-383) i can no longer rate this bug reports if its fixed or not 2.0.

I did a matrix by placing assembler with/without recipe on top of real/ghost assembler with/without-recipe and in all cases the behavior was exactly as i expected (ghost/real assembler rotated and obtaining recipe from the blueprint).

Not sure what is a "configured mining drill", however i see a ghost mining drill placed on top of real/ghost mining drill is able to rotate that drill, however placement of a blueprint is unable to rotate a mining drill unless it is a super-forced build.

Moving to pending: Once 2.0 will be out and if you verify the issue as not fixed i will move this topic back to bug reports.

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