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Factorio 1.1 Smart Belt Dragging Suppport in Yuoki Engines

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 2:33 pm
by ChurchOrganist
I'm very pleased to announce that I have just got this working :)

The necessary changes will be available as a pull request from the GitHub repository shortly.

Please be patient though as I'm currently in hospital having my medication for ITP adjusted, so it's a question of waiting till I have a couple of hours without interruptions to prepare the pull request :)

Will post here when it's done and on the mod portal

Re: Factorio 1.1 Smart Belt Dragging Suppport in Yuoki Engines

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:28 am
by ChurchOrganist
Pull request with the necessary code changes is now up on GitHub..... ... 43f90ccf25

So if you want to grab the changes and patch your installation you can now do so - but please only if you know what you're doing!!

Shan't be merging with the master until the rest of the stuff has been done to create a new version.

As an added bonus I have got fast replace and upgrade planner working on the belts too :)

Re: Factorio 1.1 Smart Belt Dragging Suppport in Yuoki Engines

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:07 pm
by ChurchOrganist
YuokiTani has now merged the pull request and issued a new release.

Have fun with it guys!!