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Bug: Train with generated schedule not clearing at depot

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:52 pm
by ptarjan
On version 0.16.0

tl;dr; If I have a train with a generated schedule by LTN (say to go to stop 1, then stop 2, then back to the LTN Depot), but in the middle of it running, I click the "Play" button on a different stop (say I send it back to stop 1 when it was going to stop 2), then upon returning to the depot it won't clear the schedule and will just continue to run this route forever.

I ran into this issue because I accidentally ordered 10 trains to a full stop and instead of having them sit at the station for 2 minutes and then go back to the depot full, I routed them back to where they came so they buffered in the rail network while the stop cleared itself. This worked great but then I had these extra trains permanently running this route in the network with a schedule that looked exactly right. The only thing that clued me into this problem was that the schedules didn't have a "Temporary" stop inserted before the other stops. I then watched one of these trains enter the depot, wait the 5 seconds, and then continue back on the route. Clearing the two stops and sending it back to the depot fixed the train.